
General Articles

Three New Cannabis Stocks Now Eligible for Loans/Credit Lines

A. B. Nicholas announces ability to provide stock loan against (leverage) several leading cannabis stocks via network.    As of October, 2021, A. B. Nicholas is happy to be one of the few companies able to deliver credit lines and loans against several high-performing cannabis stocks with sufficient trading history. These can receive a loan-to-value offer as high as 70% depending on volatility, size of portfolio and volume of trading.  Our

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Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: The LeverageLine Stock Loan Advantage

Here at A. B. Nicholas, we’re ready for anything.  Even the client who comes to us with bankruptcies, foreclosures, or credit issues from the past. That’s because of the type of licensed, major-institution stock loan lenders that we have in the network we have built over a decade.  When a client brings in a case with a portfolio of, say, $100,000, but has had a recent foreclosure that prevents him

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Is It Possible to Build a Better Structure Than a Conventional Margin Loan? Yes.

They say necessity is the mother of invention. So few were surprised when back in 2009, in the midst of the Great Recession, that way, a small franchise consulting firm like ours would find itself in difficult circumstances given that conventional lending windows had been closing left and right. After all individuals who were looking into buying franchises couldn’t very well continue without a robust lending environment and even those

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We Refer. You Win.

A premium financing network using existing major institutional programs exclusive for securities owners.

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Let Us Refer You for Your Next Stock-Secured Portfolio Loan

You may think that your online stock brokerage is a wonderful, convenient place from which to get a margin loan. You’re right. It is convenient. But did you know you are almost certainly getting far less cash and paying out a very large amount in interest? On top of that, your brokerage will bring the ‘axe down’ and issue an immediate, discussion margin call the minute your portfolio falls in

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Get a LeverageLine Before Years End and Have Your Cash by Christmas!

Get THE best securities-based credit line program in the country and have your cash before CHRISTMAS if you act now.  Our stock loan rates remain THE best in the market. Our loan-to-value is also the highest in the financial industry, based on competing offers for qualified portfolios.  Learn. more about LeverageLine from A. B. Nicholas here. And apply for free securely via our one-page online application form today to have

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View Our New REITLINE Video Today

Add New PostOur REITLine loan program allows individuals with normally unsellable UPREIT securities to obtain cash via credit line against their portfolio. Previously, real estate investors who received payment for the sale of their property in UPREIT tax-deferred securities could not obtain cash from that sale unless they converted the UPREIT to a normal marketable REIT, a typically costly process in the sale automatically becomes taxable when this is done.With

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New, Super-Low Fixed Rates from A. B. Nicholas!

A. B. Nicholas is happy to announce new fixed rates for all stock loans for portfolios of at least $80,000 in initial value. With Loan-to-Value that is the best in the U. S. market (up to 97%) in a licensed, secure, institutional credit line, we now offer via our partner firms the lowest rates in the industry for fixed-rate stock loans. Our latest fixed-rate promotions.  Starting today… 3 year fixed

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Finance professionals: Join A.B. Nicholas as a referral agent for great paydays!

Join the leader in non-margin-loan lending and refer your clients into our A.B. Nicholas LeverageLine program, where licensed institutional brokerages & banks compete to deliver the lowest-rate, highest-LTV stock loan in the market today. FINRA-member licensed lenders. RTed A+ by the Better Business Bureau 2015- present. Apply today! Our average referral fee payout is $3,000 per referred and closed transaction (our closing rate: 95%). www.abnicholas.com/agents. .

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COVID or No COVID, A. B. Nicholas Securities Finance Provides a Stock Loan Service That Can’t be Beat

When it comes to obtaining a loan against your stock, bond, or mutual fund portfolio, only one company has chosen to focus 100% of their attention on perfecting the best lending vehicle for investors on the market today: A. B. Nicholas, the securities-based business and personal finance people. Rated A+ by the BBB for 7 years straight, ABN offers a unique, specialized service that no investor seriously considering a loan

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Why Our LeverageLine Makes Money – Lots of It – for our Smartest Agents

There are certain attributes of the successful A. B. Nicholas referral agent that can be gleaned from over a decade of experience with over 3,000 agents here at ABN, some failures, some moderate successes, and some great successes with incomes in the six figure range. So what makes for the most successful of agents?  Lets make this simple.  Our successful agents all understand that despite being a heavily regulated securities-related

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COVID19 and LeverageLine

With so many of us having to adjust our routines these days, some may ask where our A. B. Nicholas LeverageLine stands. The answer? We’re open for business with no changes, as all of our work was always done online or over the phone, both for the clients and the lending institutions with which we’ve partnered. There is not change.  But the time for our LeverageLine stock loan program could

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Coronavirus and LeverageLine “Insurance”

There Could be No Better Time for a Stock Loan than Now…. Apply Today for Free! What better insurance policy could you have than a credit line that costs you nothing until you use it, collateralized by your stock portfolio? Why not stay IN the market to enjoy the rise that will inevitably come from the end of the pandemic? Why pay capital gains taxes and be left behind when

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Build Your Business with LeverageLine

LeverageLine came to the rescue for Joseph Wesson III, owner of a lavendar farm in Howard Country, Maryland. Mr. Wesson’s farm could not get its produce to market in time; dried lavender had to get to the consumer quickly to retain all the characteristics that make it a health produce for millions. But without the right trucking services, the crop will be lost and unsellable.  Wesson owned $1 million in

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LeverageLine Builds an Entrepreneur’s Dream…

Marcy Tyler saw her first cycling race when she was only eight years old. At the time, the speed, acquiline form, and power of the cyclists had impressed her like a tsunami. From that day on, she committed herself to becoming a cyclist. And so she was, through high school, and her junior year of college. She even won the Indianapolis Swift Racers cup at age 21. Her collection of

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Major Purchase or Credit Card Management Up Ahead?

Marjorie had decided to pay off her daughter’s mortgage as a sort of christening present on the birth of her first grandchild. The cost: $550,000.  Marjorie’s assets: her husband had left her approximately $1M in stocks and bonds via his will; her $750,000 home, with $300,000 remaining on her own mortgage); her savings account ($45,000), and miscellaneous smaller accounts plus a parcel of undeveloped farmland in Utah.  A. B. Nicholas

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LeverageLine Saves a Life….

Marsha Ames lived in Topeka Kansas with her family of six, a happy homemaker married to a steel shed company executive. Their lovely single family residence was on a corner of a street in suburban Topeka that could have been the setting for a Hallmark channel movie. Life was good; the future bright. Then she went to her doctor for a routine exam and they dianosed her with stage 3

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Have Us Speak to Your Salesforce about LeverageLine Credit Lines for Stock Portfolio Owners.

We offer what is arguably the best stock loan program in the U. S. market today, with the lowest rates and highest loan-to-value plus quickest delivery of funds in the nation for a 100% secure, licensed, FINRA-member-managed program. We are A. B. Nicholas, and securities finance is what we do and have done exclusively for over a decade. We have three major household-name licensed institutional brokerages who have agreed to

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Why an A. B. Nicholas Stock Loan and Not One from Your Current Brokerage?

When it comes to money, there is a reason why so many financial institutions have named themselves with words like “Trust”, “Fidelity” or “Assurance” for example. That’s because outside perhaps of the medical profession, nowhere else in human life is trust and confidence in the efficacy, honesty, and integrity of a company (or individual) more important.  This applies to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and so forth too. It is also

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A Stock Loan Against Your Cannabis Stock Portfolio? Yep, We Can…

If you have been an investor in one of the many cannabis-related stocks that have sprung up on the boards over the past several years, you’ve probably been stymied when it came to taking out a margin loan against them. Because of the still-existing federal treatment of marijuana as a drug, major banks and brokerages have been unwilling or unable to provide the normal lending facilities against these stocks that

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Financing College via a Stock Loan: (It’s Not What You Think…)

When it comes to college, just one child can cost a family nearly $200,000 at average college tuition rates. Yes, you read that right.  This may not matter if you happen to be in a true upper income bracket. Perhaps you can handle it out of pocket. But even at a combined household income of $200,000 — average for 2-income U. S. families now — this is really still middle

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Be Your Own Banker

Would you like to say goodbye to your banker?  Let’s say you are a real estate investor. You know your business. You know a good home, business, or commercial site from a bad one. You know how to invest.  That part’s easy for you, in this scenario. But at the end of the day, you end up in Red-Tape & Delay Land.  That’s right: Your bank. That’s where you’ll meet the guy

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New, Easy Way to See if Your Stock Portfolio Qualifies for a LeverageLine Credit Line!

Want a very easy way to see if your portfolio qualifies for our LeverageLine stock portfolio loan program?  Well here it is: just go to abnicholas.com/qualify for our new interactive Pre-Approval site. It’s never been easier to qualify and obtain your industry-leading LeverageLine credit line and the time is right for excellent rates well below market!  We’re America’s Portfolio Lender; let us show you why.   Get Pre-Approved in 30

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Financial Professionals: Join A. B. Nicholas Today.

We are A. B. Nicholas Securities Finance provide gateways to institutional stock loan credit line programs using client stock, bond, mutual fund, and other securities portfolios as guarantee for a low-interest, high-LTV line of credit in an institutional, licensed environment without the need to transfer ownership to the lending party.  Qualifying is easy. See our stock loan requirements here.  The program is ideal for business and financial professionals who deal

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Be Your Own Banker – With LeverageLine!

Let us suppose you had an asset that could keep working for you just as it is now — but could also serve as your own personal “bank”?With our A. B. Nicholas LeverageLine, that is how you can look at it. In fact, many of our clients are using it for exactly that purpose. As their own bank so to speak, a line of credit they can draw on that

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