We offer what is arguably the best stock loan program in the U. S. market today, with the lowest rates and highest loan-to-value plus quickest delivery of funds in the nation for a 100% secure, licensed, FINRA-member-managed program. We are A. B. Nicholas, and securities finance is what we do and have done exclusively for over a decade.

We have three major household-name licensed institutional brokerages who have agreed to offer our clients deeply discounted, wholesale interest rates and to bundle the product into the loan-only structure (no other mandatory costs beyond interest payable monthly on what you have chosen to borrow). 

We tailored this to be especially useful to those acquiring franchises, commercial real estate, or other business-type investments. Use our line for a downpayment without affecting your other financing. Enjoy a client-friendly approach that ensures you have no surprises and a willing ear every step of the way. “Be your own banker” with a ready line that costs you nothing from your lender until you actually choose to use it. 

Learn more about  LeverageLine today, then get a free quote which is essentially a pre-approved loan offer same day. Credit rating is not used used and not a problem.

Get Your Free Quote Today!

Get a same-day stock loan quote from the peope who specialize in securities finance solutions, A. B. Nicholas.