
When it comes to money, there is a reason why so many financial institutions have named themselves with words like “Trust”, “Fidelity” or “Assurance” for example. That’s because outside perhaps of the medical profession, nowhere else in human life is trust and confidence in the efficacy, honesty, and integrity of a company (or individual) more important. 

This applies to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and so forth too. It is also a major reason why so many individuals feel more comfortable with the familiar surroundings of their current brokerage or their current brokerage advisor or financial professional. 

All perfectly understandable. But for a significant element of investors and others, trust can be conveyed over to other individuals and institutions without missing a beat, and when those other institutions or individuals can offer the client more and better services, they are making the move. 

This is why we urge those who are considering a loan against their stock portfolio to look into what we at A. B. Nicholas can offer in comparison with your current large brokerage or bank. 

We are not your lender; but we are not conventional “brokers” either. We began as a franchise funding information company; we added our LeverageLine stock loan program only because clients were being shut out of conventional and SBA funding during the Great Recession. But as so often is the case in conditions of adversity, ABN’s foray into developing a lending vehicle, in conjunction with several major banks and brokerages, has developed into our main line of business and a product/service that we today feel is vastly superior to what is available on a walk-in basis at any major brokerage or bank. 

Superior? Yes. First, we defy any institution to offer lower interest rates than we have arranged with the three major licensed public brokerage/banks with which we have partnered. We refer many of our clients into these institutons and to the carefully selected executives within each instituion who have agree to offer far more client-friend rates and terms than is standard to our clients in exchange for those referrals. In this sense, we take no remuneration or compensation from any of the licensed instituitons with which we’ve partnered. Instead, what we might have been paid in referral fees goes into reducing the rates and raising the loan-to-value offers to our A. B. Nicholas clients. 

In short, because we take not a penny from any institutional lender, we’ve asked that you as client receive better terms than retail. And it is that formula that has made A. B. Nicholas the nation’s premier stock loan provider. 

We urge you too, to learn more about what our LeverageLine program can do for you!


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