One of the most frequent calls we get is about whether a particular portfolio qualifies for our versatile LeverageLine securities-portfolio credit line. The rules are pretty simple, but you can get more details on our website by visiting our page for Loan Requirements. You can also check on your client’s securities history yourself by clicking here.
If the non-IRS/401K stocks, mutual funds, bonds, ETFs, etc. in your portfolio.
- All have a price of $5 per share or higher for U. S. stocks, 50 cents equivalent for foreign stocks
- All have an average volume of at least 250,000 shares per day
- None are part of a retirement plan as noted above
- They are public stocks, bonds, ETFs, etc., trading on major exchanges, for at least 6 months. Exceptions may be made for major company IPOs (initial public offering).
- The total value of the portfolio is at least $85,000 at inception. The limit on portfolio size is $380 million for this program.
- Client/borrower must produce a valid picture ID (driver’s license/passport) and recent bank or brokerage statement for licensed lending institution use only (see our privacy policy for more on security of our clients’ documents).
Visit our website at to refresh you understanding of the program and to answer specific questions. Feel free to ask via email at [email protected] or our contact form.
In the end, we want a satisfied client above all; but we also take our responsibility to compensate our referral agents seriously. A good deal should be a win for all concerned.