You’re probably one of those benefiting quite a bit from rising stock market values over the past two years. If you need liquidity, you may even be thinking that the time to cash out is upon you. Well, good & fine if it works best for you to sell.

But suppose you are one of those who has seen a rise in their stock portfolio but does not want to sell, maybe because they feel there’s still plenty of room for the market to rise, for example. Do you have any reasonable options?

Here at A. B. Nicholas we say your next best option is likely to be a line of credit using your stock, bond and/or mutual fund portfolio as collateral. A “warehouse rate/terms” type line of credit especially instructed to allow you access to the borrower-friendly features normally reserved for the biggest institutional customers but now accessible even to those with securities portfolios valued under $150,000.

Here your stocks or bonds don’t change ownership as a condition for releasing your credit line. , With our LeverageLine you hand over your assets to a third-party before you are extended a loan. With A. B. Nicholas, you can simply keep them in your account but allow a lender soft-lien to be placed on the portfolio – and your portfolio only — to allow up to 95% of the value of the portfolio to be provided to you now, in cash, all within, by and through one of three top-tier public licensed institutions & advisors with whom we have pre-arranged you very low-rate, flexible line of credit.

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