stock loan

Franchise Opportunities and the LeverageLine Network

Franchising Opportunities and the LeverageLine Network How can the LeverageLine Lending Network  help fund franchise opportunities?    When it comes to exploring your franchise opportunities you have many different sources, including brokers and direct franchise marketing departments, to choose from. If you have the cash it will not be hard to find a suitable franchise to purchase. But for many borrowers that is just the beginning of the financial odyssey that the

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cannabis stock loans
General Articles
A. B. Nicholas Support

The Cannabis Investor: When SBA Says No…We Say YES to Cannabis Stock Loans

Cannabis Investor? When SBA Says No, We Might Say Yes… The rise in cannabis stock investing has taken the U. S. market by storm recently. With medical and recreational cannabis use on the rise,  and the use of CBD derivatives increasingly popular in forms as diverse as hair treatment and skin creams, the industry is expected to continue rising in sales and investment in the next few years.  For individuals

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Stock Margin Loan or Asset-based Credit?

A Margin Loan or an Asset-based Line of Credit? Long ago and quite far away, it was once possible to buy $1,000 worth of stock, then use it as collateral for loans of as much as 90% of the value on some exchanges. That loan could them be used to buy $900 worth of additional stock. Once again, the stock owner could get a stock margin loan for 90%, giving

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Is It Possible to Build a Better Structure Than a Conventional Margin Loan? Yes.

They say necessity is the mother of invention. So few were surprised when back in 2009, in the midst of the Great Recession, that way, a small franchise consulting firm like ours would find itself in difficult circumstances given that conventional lending windows had been closing left and right. After all individuals who were looking into buying franchises couldn’t very well continue without a robust lending environment and even those

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New for Client Applications for LeverageLine Financing (Information for Clients & Agents)

Visit our website for more about our LeverageLine stock loan program here. As you know, one of the reasons that A. B. Nicholas is the leading private conduit to institutional licensed stock-secured lending is that we are always focused on compliance and on improving the lending experience for our clients. To that end, we have implemented a new rule for all agents when submitting clients to A. B. Nicholas for

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Securities Law
A. B. Nicholas Support

The Dangers of Nonrecourse Stock Loans And How To Avoid Them

The Dangers of Nonrecourse Stock Loans And How To Avoid Them Why an Institutionally Managed, SIPC/FINRA-Member Lending Facility Should Be Your ONLY Securities-based Credit Line Consideration    A nonrecourse, transfer-of-title securities-based stock loan means exactly what it says: You, the titleholder (owner) of your stocks or other securities are required to transfer ownership of your securities to a third party before you receive your loan proceeds. The loan is “nonrecourse”

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I Can Get Get a Margin Loan from My Stock Brokerage Account. What Makes ABN’s LeverageLine Different?

Sure. You CAN get a margin loan, usually very easily with a couple of clicks, for any of your stocks. It will be a 50% loan-to-value cash piece, and you will have the freedom to invest it in more of the same stock. Your brokerage will automatically assume you intend to buy more of the same stock in the same account. You are not expected to use a “purpose loan”

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Education Focus
A. B. Nicholas Support

Should I Get a Loan Against My Stock Portfolio in a Down-Trending Market?

Note: Visit our website for more about our LeverageLine stock loan program here. One of the questions we often get here at A. B. Nicholas is “If the market is trending downward, does it make sense to obtain a loan against my stock portfolio instead of selling it outright?” Because of the myriad different combinations of securities in any given portfolio, and many other factors both business and personal that

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Stock Portfolio Loans: The Essentials

One of the first things we hear from our new clients is that they are approaching the issue of securities-based credit with trepidation. Some feel that a portfolio of stocks or bonds is much too unstable to be trusted as collateral for a loan (even though the lending institution might have no trouble with it). Others may have heard about the ill-fated “non-recourse stock loans” of the last decade, that

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Share Value and Stock Loan Lending – How a Lender Sees It

Investors have many metrics for determining the valuation of a company’s stock, and two of the most commonly used are Book Value and Share Value  (also known as Market Value). Both valuations can be helpful in calculating whether a stock is fairly valued. Let’s look briefly at the differences between the two as they can impact the loan-to-value of your LeverageLine line of credit. So What is Book Value? The book value of

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A couple signing documents together at a desk
Education Focus
A. B. Nicholas Support

Does Your – or Your LeverageLine Client’s – Stock, Bond, or Mutual Fund Portfolio Qualify for LeverageLine Financing?

One of the most frequent calls we get is about whether a particular portfolio qualifies for our versatile LeverageLine securities-portfolio credit line. The rules are pretty simple, but you can get more details on our website by visiting our page for Loan Requirements. You can also check on your client’s securities history yourself by clicking here. If the non-IRS/401K stocks, mutual funds, bonds, ETFs, etc. in your portfolio. All have

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