Franchise investors get beyond best industry rates with A.B. Nicholas

If you’re a franchise investor, there’s great news for you. Our clients wanted a loan service that was fast, with minimal paperwork that could serve as a means to build a conventional business banking relationship by starting with an asset-based (LeverageLine)franchise financing loan relationship. LeverageLine is carefully designed to meet the franchise business acquirer’s needs.

Call us to get a free quote: 202-379-4744

Exclusive franchise financing rates you won't find anywhere else.

Our goal, in addition to funding franchises competitively, was to try to minimize debt service during the critical first year or two  when most businesses are just getting off the ground. Our line emphasizes preservation of cash flow and minimal impact on cash flow per our clients’ requests.

We use your stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other marginal securities as collateral, even though ours is not a margin loan by any means. We partnered with a small group of carefully selected professional, licensed advisers at several major brokerages who had specific experience in the franchise and commercial real estate industry and who would also offer the deeply reduced, slimmed down, wholesale credit line our clients required.

A. B. Nicholas’s franchise-buying clients today enjoy the confidence of knowing they’ll be working with one of three major, fully licensed, “household name” U. S. brokerage and banking giants (disclosed on your term sheet).  They know they’ll benefit from features that include waived account management fees; interest-only repayment; freedom to defer  payments;  and interest rates often below the best mortgages. As a revolving line of credit, their LeverageLine also comes with no maturity date. And as an A. B. Nicholas wholesale client, our clients receive offers with maximum cash through loan-to-value ratios well above retail.  All that and more, with a supportive, easy access, fully licensed SIPC/FINRA institutional adviser who treats every A. B. Nicholas client with the best in “gold-key” service.

Apply For A LeverageLine in Just Minutes

Whether to finish construction, buy a vacation home, or supplement/replace your existing high-interest financing, LeverageLine can be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Call us to get a free quote: 202-379-4744

Easy. Grab a brokerage statement and ID and via our encrypted, secure quote request form attach and obtain a term sheet. (View the loan application process here.) Every term sheet is the equivalent of a pre-approved financing letter guarantee. There are no FICO scores and no credit rating score threshold for eligibility. In fact credit does not affect your offer as long as you have no bankruptcy or defaults on major government debt in the past five years.

Note please: LeverageLine proceeds cannot be used to purchase more publicly traded, marginable stock, but can be used to purchase the stock of a non-publicly traded business enterprise (acquisition). Please read our disclaimer before proceeding. LeverageLine is not a residential mortgage nor is it intended to act as or replace a residential mortgage.

Buying franchise licenses using the LeverageLine facility is easy and costs nothing. Why not apply today and see what we can offer you? There’s absolutely no cost or obligation to do so. All we need is a recent brokerage statement and a picture ID to deliver your term sheet.

Establish a Long-Term Franchise Financing Relationship

Clients who maintain their LeverageLine obligation responsibly may receive priority consideration for conventional business/real estate financing later to, for example,  expand their franchise or business. That’s the beauty of LeverageLine; it acts as a
“foot in the door” to a long-term partnership with your lending institution that can grow your business over time.

Not sure what's right for you?

Just write [email protected] or call us today at 202-379-4744