Become an A. B. Nicholas Referral Agent

Step One: Email us at support@abnicholascom

Provide your resume/background statement, name, address, contact information in your email. 

Step Two: View Our Training Video

After you’ve been accepted as a candidate, you’ll watch simple training video which discusses compliance issues, procedures, and responsibilities.

Step Three: Complete Agent Exam

Using information from the video, complete the simple multiple choice  compliance exam. All applicants must achieve a 100%, and may take the test as often as they wish until they reach this score. There is a small fee for this test to cover processing.

Step Three:  Become Certified, Begin Referrals

You may now refer your client to A. B. Nicholas. Having studied and completed the compliance exam with copies on file at ABN, you are prepared to refer clients to us. Our system does all the work for you; ABN, the lending institution and the licensed advisors will all take over from here, giving you updates on your client. Upon fee payment to ABN, your share (1/3) is paid to you directly as consulting income and the 1099 tax form will be used. 1/3 of the remaining fee goes to legal expenses for the program, and 1/3 represents the ABN profit on the transaction. At all times, A. B. Nicholas is here to support you and help you succeed. (Questions? Write [email protected] with your questions,  or call our Operations Manger at 202.379.4744 ext 2. )

Please noted: Unless licensed in your state to do so, no ABN certified agent may “broker” deals by translating information back and forth between client and lender. At ABN, strict compliance with all applicable law and regulation is standard.  This means you may refer your client, you may explain the program as part of the process of deliverying the client, but agents are not permitted to act as intermediaries between A. B. Nicholas and the client regrading the process of our loan program once underway, as this is the province only of licensed individuals..

Upon delivery of client funds, client will pay a fee to ABN of 1% of the total line we will have been able to deliver to the client. This is the figure you may use to calculate your fee. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Note Agents may not receive fees related to the credit line outside of the ABN fees. “Double dipping” a client in this way is grounds for dismissal, All fees are paid immediately upon receipt at ABN.

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  • Did someone refer you?
    Were you referred to A. B. Nicholas by an existing ABN agent or are you a member of an existing ABN partner organization?

    If yes, write the name of the referring agent or organization here. (If you are not sure, please contact us before applying. Designating your referring party here does not decrease your fees in any way; override fees are paid to the referring party from ABN funds, not agent fees).
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